Jun 16, 2008

Commish Hobnobs With League Namesake

Among my many responsibilities as commissioner, I must on occasion represent Griffey League at various community functions. For example, I helped promote league namesake Ken Griffey Jr.'s charity vintage yesterday at a wine tasting after the Reds loss to the Red Sox.* We discussed the amazingly tight division races in both the AL and NL West and Kevin Knott's case for MVP, among other league business.

*Actually, my wife got me tickets to the game for Father's Day and I scored an invite to the wine-tasting through work. I did not, in fact, discuss anything baseball-related – real, fake or otherwise – with Junior. We just chatted briefly about our kids, which was pretty cool.


bajoraa said...

Keep up the good work Commish. We appreciate the sacrifices you make for the benefit of the league.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, Travis is Greg Maddux??